I'm really looking forward to the film version of Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children due out this fall. This film version is directed by Deepa Mehta and we made a very enjoyable outing of watching her movie Water together. There aren't any trailers available that I can find yet, but Mehta gave the lecture above at Radcliffe recently, taking listeners on a journey through her previous films to show how they prepared her for making this epic. You can skip the first 15 minutes of intro and if you really want the scoop, go directly to about 1:23:00 for a clip reel for Midnight. Sir Salman, who wrote the screenplay for the adaptation, told Haaretzlast year, "I've seen all the material and the one thing I can say is that the cinematography looks breathtaking," and that is certainly borne out in these clips. And while we are waiting, check out the interview for more of Rushdie's thoughts on literary film adaptations and the influence of cinema on his writing, and see this Telegraph article for some insights into how cinema worked thematically in the novel.
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