Sunday, September 20, 2015

Our September Author: Elizabeth Pisani

This month our discussion takes us to Southeast Asia courtesy of author Elizabeth Pisani's Indonesia, Etc.: Exploring the Improbable Nation. The book is much more than a travel diary of her journey around the archipelago, filled as it is with insights from her years as a reporter and public health worker. Nevertheless, you will inevitably want to see and hear some the sights and sounds described in the book and conveniently enough she has video and slides on her website, Indonesia Etc, that you won't want to miss.  If you haven't read the book and want a taste of the issues the book covers, this Radio New Zealand interview is a good place to start. In addition to the TED talk on the complexities of corruption above, you can check out her TED talk on AIDS prevention here. As follow up to the book, you might want to read her recent articles in The New Yorker, on the dangers of political dynasties and the death penalty in Indonesia. Or check out this Huffpost article with policy recommendations for the new Indonesian president.

Now that I've taken this informative journey with the author, I'm looking back with new insight at some of Amnesty International's human rights concerns for the island nation. Be sure to browse AIUSA's press releases and blog entries on Indonesia and last but not least, learn about prisoner of conscience Filep Karma, a case many of our Loyal Readers have taken action on before, for renewed insight into his plight.

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