It's time to get to know Rebecca Pawel, author of our enaging "Mystery Month" selection
Watcher in the Pine. First stop is her website,
Rebeccapawel.com, which has the usual biography and info about her other books. In the
Links section, she has helpful pointers to the sources she consulted to create the Spanish Civil War setting for her books, something I was curious about, but unfortunately many of the links are now defunct.
This one which will give you a little tour of
Liébana and Potes, still works. The
New York Sun also has a brief profile of the Pawel
here. Unfortunately, there aren't a lot of interviews with this author available online. Fellow crime fiction writer Cara Black gets her on record with her favorite writers and films and other assorted trivia
here, but the most interesting stuff can be found at
Morpheme Tales where she discusses creating the central character, Tejada, how she worked to get the historical details right and the reception of her first book
Death of a Nationalist, in Spain. Probably the best news is that although she has completed the Tejada series, her next book will be in Renaissance Flanders during the Eighty Years War. I'm not sure that's going to bring her back to Rights Readers, but it'll be on my personal "to read" list for sure.