This month we read Factory Girls: From Village to City in a Changing China
by Leslie T. Chang. Here are a few links to supplement discussion:
One Loop Press explores the author's dual role as journalist and friend to her subjects, a tricky area for such an intimate piece of reporting and, among other topics, Chang explains how she tried to tell a different story about the factory girls,
I felt like people had taken a very American perspective, by which I mean they went in thinking, “Where are the abuses? How can we write articles to try to improve the system?” Even, “How can we as consumers do things to make things better for these workers?” What I wanted to do was look at it from the inside China point-of-view. To ask, “What is it like for these young people?” They’re not sitting here thinking, “I need an eight hour workday, and minimum wage, and this much, this much,” all these things that Western people would think about right away. They’re just thinking, “I want to get to the city, I want to make some money, and I want to improve myself.” So from their perspective life looks very different than it does to us. That’s what I wanted to capture in trying to get as much as possible inside their lives and inside their heads, to see how they saw their experience rather than how we would judge it and in many ways criticize it and find problems with it.
The China Beat has an interview that gets at the links between the two distinct narratives of the book, following the factory girls and Chang's exploration of her family's history,
I think the story of leaving home, going to a strange place and making a new life is universal. And I did think while writing it that while I know China is very distant for most Americans, I hope Americans reading this will feel like this is the story of their ancestors as well. And obviously without downplaying all of the differences in China’s history and China’ situation, this is kind of a universal story. That was also one of the motivating factors for my reporting on migrants in the first place. When we talk about the American migration story, whether from Europe or from somewhere else, it isn’t a story of pure privation and desperation and horrible conditions although all those things existed in some form. It’s really a story about opportunity and adventure and a new life. And I felt like the story of the migrants leaving their villages for the city might have some similarities with that story.
In an audio interview from Connecticut Public Radio, Chang explains the anthropological approach she used in writing this book, changing relationships between migrant children and parents, her subjects' reaction to her writing, industrial pollution, and more.
Here is a talk Chang gave for Authors@Google (the first part is mostly a reading, questions start at about the 20 minutes in):
In a Why I Write interview, Chang answers questions about her favorite authors (a couple Rights Readers favorites get a mention-- Ha Jin
As a bonus on the subject of exploring family history, check out the recent PBS series Faces of America for the portions exploring Yo-Yo Ma's genealogy.
And don't forget to check out our previous post regarding films related to the migrant experience in China!
Thanks for your mention of Open Loop Press's interview with Leslie T. Chang. She's a fantastic writer who paints a dynamic picture of contemporary life in China. We hope your readers enjoy it.