Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Getting into the Environment of Three Cups of Tea

A couple of somewhat tangential links to Greg Mortenson's Three Cups of Tea:

A sampling of Galen Rowell's photos from Pakistan.

Just for fun, more about snow leopards from the Snow Leopard Trust.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:36 AM

    It is just incredible that our politicians are not applying this simple rule which Mr. Mortensons has applied and make friends instead of enemies in Afghanistan and Pakistan or any other country. The concept is so simple that it hurts to see that our government does not see it, but rather prefers to spend our children's inheritance of a peaceful future by going to war, creating misery anywhere one looks. Not to mention with how little money we could achieve this goal verses what we are spending now on the war. Frustrating !!!


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