Rights Readers authors have been busy this summer:
Iran continues to be a major topic of commentary: check out
Marjane Satrapi (
Persepolis) in the NYT:
I Must Go Home to Iran Again.
Azar Nafisi (
Reading Lolita in Tehran) calls for freeing filmmaker Maziar Bahari (
more from AIUSA and
Message to Tehran: Let our truth-teller go.
Stephen Kinzer (
Crescent and Star) is optimistic
Iran and U.S. 'not fated to be enemies forever' and offers some advice to Obama on a
shared birthday.
On the home front,
Barbara Ehrenreich (
Nickel and Dimed) has three NYT editorials with audio supplement on the how the recession has hit the "already poor,"
here and
here, while
Hector Tobar (
The Tattooed Soldier) has another insightful column on
Walter Mosley (
Little Scarlet
) offers
10 Things You Need to Know to Live on the Streets, and has an opinion piece in Newseek:
America's Obsession with Crime which he also
discusses on NPR.
Tracy Kidder (
Mountains Beyond Mountains) pays tribute to a local hero he met while writing his latest book (
Strength in What Remains
) in the NYT:
A Death in Burundi.
Edwidge Danticat (
Brother, I'm Dying) writes
an appreciation of Nobelist Wole Soyinka for the
Mark Hertsgaard (
Earth Odyssey)
reports from Burkina Faso on climate change and appears on a
FORA.tv panel on food security and climate change. Hertsgaard is preparing a book on the subject, certainly a good candidate for a Rights Read.
Kevin Bales (
Disposable People) is
interviewed about his latest book,
The Slave Next Door
As follow up to our discussion of
Caroline Elkins, (
Imperial Reckoning
), check out the
Times (London) coverage of efforts by Mau Mau veterans to investigate torture claims,
here and
here with analysis
here and
here. Speaking of Kenya,
Michela Wrong (
I Didn't Do It for You) can be found promoting her new book,
It's Our Turn to Eat: The Story of a Kenyan Whistle-Blower
openDemocracy (see also interviews with
NPR and
NYT.) Her pr strategy has some interesting
Muhammad Yunus (
Banker To The Poor) was one of the luminaries who
received a presidential medal of freedom.
Paul Farmer (
Mountains Beyond Mountains) will
not be heading USAID, but
Samantha Power (
A Problem from Hell) has been appointed by President Obama
to assist refugees of Iraq war. And did you know that in a nod to the late Russian journalists
Anna Politkovskaya (
Putin's Russia) and her brave colleagues, President Obama gave an interview in
Novaya Gazeta on his recent Moscow visit?
More from CPJ.
Sister Helen Prejean (
Dead Man Walking) has some post-papal audience
questions for Obama (and the activist community). Meanwhile
Jarvis Jay Masters' (
Finding Freedom) latest,
That Bird Has My Wings
is available for amazon pre-order.
Okay, so I should probably post a little more often so as not to make this such a huge link dump... but at least I'm caught up!